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Healthcare Mobile App Development: Why Health Tech Mobile Apps Are Way To Go

healthcare mobile app development

Mobile app development in the healthcare sector is revolutionizing the way we receive medical care and access health information. With healthcare mobile apps (and healthcare mobile app development in general), patients can manage their health better while medical professionals are able to provide quality support more efficiently. Healthcare mobile systems provide streamlined communication and data sharing capabilities across multiple platforms and devices. In this guide, you will learn why healthcare applications are the way to go for improved patient engagement…

The Real Cost Of App Development

The Real Cost Of App Development

There wasn’t a single client of ours that didn’t ask the big question. “How much will the app development cost?”. It’s understandable, because time and money are the most crucial resources for every business. Especially for a StartUp at an early stage with no product built. Mobile app development is a complex process, so you must know that estimating the app development costs accurately is nearly impossible. But somehow, it has to be done. Although it’s not easy, here’s what…

How To Estimate Cost Of Software Development?

How To Estimate Software Development Costs For Your Software Development Project?

Software development is unfortunately one of those things that’s very hard to estimate correctly. There’s a lot of things that factor into the total cost of software development projects like the development team, custom software requirements, additional integrations, deadlines etc. So you can see why it would be hard for a software development company to provide you with a fixed-price cost estimation. But as a client it is completely understandable why you would want to know the cost to develop…

Marketplace Masterclass #2: How To Design & Develop A Marketplace?

Marketplace Masterclass #2: How To Design & Develop A Marketplace?

Welcome to the Marketplace Masterclass. In this three part series I will tell you all about creating a marketplace business model, designing and developing a marketplace as well as scaling and marketing it. You will learn what are the different types of marketplaces with real-life examples and how to build your product to succeed. All Articles In This Series: How Do Marketplaces Like Etsy And Fiverr Make Money? How To Design & Develop A Marketplace? A Guide To Scaling, Growing &…

Entire IT Team Outsourcing – Worth It Or Not?

IT Outsourcing An Entire Software Development Team - Worth It Or Not?

IT outsourcing has several benefits for your business. Many companies outsource specific experts but you can also outsource an entire, dedicated and managed team. In this article we’re going to go over this solution and whether it’s the right option for your company. In-House Team VS. Outsourced Team First let’s discuss what are the biggest differences between having a team outsourced from an outside service provide and an in-house team. Having your own team that works at your company’s location…

Top Front End Trends In 2021

Top Front End Trends In 2021

Frontend trends change very quickly. There’s new components, frameworks and libraries all the time. As technology evolves, so does frontend to match this dynamic growth. In this article we’re going to take a look at some of the top emerging trends that are likely to take off in 2021. Hybrid Architecture In 2020, Jamstack has gained substantial popularity. And it continues to rise in 2021 as well. We might see hybrid, semi-static websites become more and more popular, because of…

Critical Mobile Development Mistakes To Avoid

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Critical Mobile App Development Mistakes To Avoid

Developing an app is not an easy task. Even if you have a team of experts on board, mistakes will likely happen. However, some mistakes are more critical than others can determine whether your digital business achieves success. In this article we’ll go over the most common app development mistakes as well as tips on how to avoid them. 1.Not Properly Researching The Users’ Needs Mobile app development is no different than any other kind of development in that the…

Best Android App Development Tools & Software

Best Android App Development Tools & Software

Android continues to be the most used operating system worldwide. And that means Android apps are extremely popular. Most companies who build mobile apps, create apps for multiple devices – both Android devices and iOS devices. To build an excellent Android app you need to use the best tools. Here’s out top picks when it comes to Android development tools: 1. Android Studio There’s no talking about android app development without the Android Studio. It’s the most basic tool for…

Should You Start Using IT Outsourcing In 2021?

Project Management
Start Up Tips
Should You Start Using IT Outsourcing In 2021?

Information technology or IT, has come a long way. In the past, when you needed something done, you had to hire development staff, onboard them and manage them yourself. However, for quite a long time now, it is no longer the norm. Most companies use IT outsourcing service providers to take some tasks and responsibility off of their shoulders. If you aren’t yet using outsourcing, here’s why you should take advantage of it in 2021: What Is IT Outsourcing? Before…

Everything You Need To Know About The New iOS Privacy Update

Start Up Tips
Everything You Need To Know About The New Privacy Update For iOS 14

With the launch of the new iOS 14 version in December 2020, there’s a lot of changes that third-party apps and websites need to adjust to. The operating system is now focused on better privacy practices and keeping the users’ personal information as safe as possible. But what does that mean to you and your digital product? iOS 14 Privacy Features If you own an iPhone or iPad, you have likely noticed some of the changes already. But that’s from…