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Product Manager’s Handbook #6: The Best Mental Models For Product Managers

Project Management
Product Manager's Handbook #6: The Best Mental Models For Product Managers

First, let’s discuss what mental models actually are. You might have heard this term before or you might find it completely new. The truth is that you’ve probably used mental models before, whether you were actually aware of it or not. Mental models are like shortcuts for your brain to help you better and quicker analyze decisions and processes. You collect different models throughout your life and you should always look for new ones. Each model works in a certain…

SaaS Metrics: How To Measure Your Product’s Success?

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SaaS Metrics: How To Measure Your Product's Success?

SaaS businesses are not going anywhere. The SaaS business model is attracting more and more companies. But, with that said, there’s still always a need for growth, attracting new paying customers and taking care of the customer satisfaction level of existing customers. There’s several things you need to measure in order to keep on track and make sure your SaaS company is growing. Here’s the key metrics you need to focus on if you’re running a SaaS business and own…

How To Be Future-Ready Through Digital Transformation?

Project Management
Start Up Tips
How To Be Future-Ready Through Digital Transformation?

Right now, we are in the middle of the digital transformation era, so the size, industry, or age of your organization doesn’t matter at all. You have to adopt the right mindset, processes, workflow and tools to maximize operational excellence and go forward in our highly-competitive world. Today, we’re going to talk about how to prepare your company through digital transformation. In this article, we’ll cover what digital transformation is, why it matters, and how you can implement it in your…

Product Manager’s Handbook #5: Using UX Techniques To Make Better Product Decisions

Project Management
Using UX Techniques To Make Better Product Decisions

In the previous article from  the Product Manager’s Handbook Series I talked about why UX is so important to Product Managers. In this one we’re going to dive a little deeper into some specific tools and methods that you can take on from UX Designers and Researchers on your team. Their perspective on the product will always be focused on the end-user and, while you also need to keep the business objectives in mind, it should be your primary focus,…

Product Manager’s Handbook #4: Why Is UX So Important For Product Managers?

Project Management
Product Manager's Handbook #4: Why Is UX So Important For Product Managers?

Product Managers are not UX Designers or Researchers, however, the art of UX is extremely useful to Product Managers. Here’s the top things Product Managers can learn from UX: All Articles In This Series: Two Key Principles Of Product Management How To Make The Best Project Decisions As A Product Manager How To Be A Great Product Management Leader? Why Is UX So Important For Product Managers? Using UX Techniques To Make Better Product Decisions The Best Mental Models For…

Product Manager’s Handbook #3: How To Be A Great Product Management Leader?

Project Management
How To Be A Great Product Management Leader?

First, we need to discuss what it means to be a good leader. Because there’s a big difference between leaders and managers. Of course, managers can be leaders but it’s not a given. Great leaders inspire their teams to execute the vision to the best of their abilities. But this is not achieved only through assigning tasks. A good leader will create a sense of ownership of the goals in each team member and inspire them to take proactive action….

Everything You Need To Know About The New iOS Privacy Update

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Everything You Need To Know About The New Privacy Update For iOS 14

With the launch of the new iOS 14 version in December 2020, there’s a lot of changes that third-party apps and websites need to adjust to. The operating system is now focused on better privacy practices and keeping the users’ personal information as safe as possible. But what does that mean to you and your digital product? iOS 14 Privacy Features If you own an iPhone or iPad, you have likely noticed some of the changes already. But that’s from…

Product Manager’s Handbook #2: How To Make The Best Project Decisions As A Product Manager

Project Management
Product Manager's Handbook #2: How To Make The Best Project Decisions As A Product Manager

Decision-making is a crucial part of every Product Managers daily job. And there’s a lot of different decisions we face. Some are so easy we barely think about them, but others can really be a challenge, despite how much we rack our brains. To make better decisions you need to first understand what does it mean to be a good decision-maker. All Articles In This Series: Two Key Principles Of Product Management How To Make The Best Project Decisions As…

Product Manager’s Handbook #1: Two Key Principles Of Product Management

Project Management
Two Key Principles Of Product Management

Welcome to the Product Manager’s Handbook Series! This series is for every Product Manager out there who is looking to master their craft and learn how to deliver excellent products quickly and efficiently. All the articles in this series will be added below: All Articles In This Series: Two Key Principles Of Product Management How To Make The Best Project Decisions As A Product Manager How To Be A Great Product Management Leader? Why Is UX So Important For Product…

Hybrid Project Management – Should You Use It In Your Project?

Project Management
Hybrid Project Management - Should You Use It In Your Project?

There’s several different project management methodologies and styles. But agile project management has taken the world by storm. Today, we’re going to take a look at the hybrid project management approach. Here’s everything you need to know: What Is Hybrid Project Management? Hybrid project management combines the best of both worlds when it comes to agile and waterfall. With agile project management, you and your project team retain flexibility and the power to adjust to changes quickly. However, this approach…