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Critical Mobile Development Mistakes To Avoid

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Critical Mobile App Development Mistakes To Avoid

Developing an app is not an easy task. Even if you have a team of experts on board, mistakes will likely happen. However, some mistakes are more critical than others can determine whether your digital business achieves success. In this article we’ll go over the most common app development mistakes as well as tips on how to avoid them. 1.Not Properly Researching The Users’ Needs Mobile app development is no different than any other kind of development in that the…

Designers’ Must Have Skills That You Need For Your Team

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Essential graphic design skills all design jobs require

Whether you’re looking to build an in-house team, want to outsource or hire an outside contractor to create your digital product design – you will need to check their skills and determine whether those graphic designers are the right fit for your project. Here’s which graphic design skills as well as soft skills to look out for: 1. Design Software The first crucial thing that your designers need to know is various different design software. Depending on the type of…

Best Android App Development Tools & Software

Best Android App Development Tools & Software

Android continues to be the most used operating system worldwide. And that means Android apps are extremely popular. Most companies who build mobile apps, create apps for multiple devices – both Android devices and iOS devices. To build an excellent Android app you need to use the best tools. Here’s out top picks when it comes to Android development tools: 1. Android Studio There’s no talking about android app development without the Android Studio. It’s the most basic tool for…

Product Manager’s Handbook #10: A Day In Life Of A Product Manager

Project Management
Product Manager's Handbook #10: A Day In Life Of A Product Manager

Some people don’t really know what Product Managers do. Because, to be honest, it can get confusing, even for the PMs themselves. This line of work is a little bit of everything mixed together. But if you want to become a PM there are some things that every PM does on a daily basis. Here’s some of them: All Articles In This Series: Two Key Principles Of Product Management How To Make The Best Project Decisions As A Product Manager…

Best Research Tools To Use In 2021

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Best Research Tools To Use In 2021

Research is a crucial part of every project. It’s the best way to avoid costly mistakes and create a product that’s guaranteed to be loved by the target audience. Thankfully, there’s lots of useful tools out there that you can use to make research easier. Here’s our top picks for research tools in 2021: 1. Bit.AI Bit AI is a great tool for collaborating on research with your team. It’s essentially like a Google Docs, but specifically made for research….

Product Manager’s Handbook #9: 6 Biggest Myths About Product Development

Project Management
Product Manager's Handbook #9: 6 Biggest Myths About Product Development

The first thing that’s important to know is that digital product development is very different from traditional, physical product manufacturing. It’s much more unpredictable and the deliverables are constantly changing. With physical products you always know what you’re aiming to deliver. With software, not so much. So, let’s bust some myths about product development: All Articles In This Series: Two Key Principles Of Product Management How To Make The Best Project Decisions As A Product Manager How To Be A…

Product Manager’s Handbook #8: How To Use Deadlines Effectively In Product Management?

Project Management
Product Manager's Handbook #8: How To Use Deadlines Effectively In Product Management?

There’s an ongoing debate in the IT world, whether deadlines are actually useful. Because sometimes it can feel like it limits your team. However, deadlines are extremely useful when used right. Putting a deadline on a project is something that pushes your team to think critically about their work and deliverables. All Articles In This Series: Two Key Principles Of Product Management How To Make The Best Project Decisions As A Product Manager How To Be A Great Product Management…

30 Free UX Tools Anyone Can Use

30 Free UX Tools Anyone Can Use

Whether you’re a UX designer or not, there’s plenty of UX Design tools you can use to make your life easier. Because the truth is, the tools for UX Designers out there will come in really handy for marketing specialists, sales experts and product managers. So, here’s a list of 30 excellent UX design, research, prototyping and wireframing tools you can use (please note that the list is not in any particular order): 1. Pencil First up on the list…

Product Manager’s Handbook #7: Testing From The Product Manager’s Perspective

Project Management
Testing From The Product Manager's Perspective

As a Product Manager, you need to realize the importance of testing throughout the product development process. While you are unlikely to do the testing yourself, you have the power to commission testing and push your team to do more tests. But why is testing so important? Well, it comes from the place of better being safe than sorry. Testing early on minimizes risk and increases chances of the product’s success. Which is ultimately what every PM wants. Alright, so…

Should You Start Using IT Outsourcing In 2021?

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Should You Start Using IT Outsourcing In 2021?

Information technology or IT, has come a long way. In the past, when you needed something done, you had to hire development staff, onboard them and manage them yourself. However, for quite a long time now, it is no longer the norm. Most companies use IT outsourcing service providers to take some tasks and responsibility off of their shoulders. If you aren’t yet using outsourcing, here’s why you should take advantage of it in 2021: What Is IT Outsourcing? Before…